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      My life as a female flight coordinator
      South Sudan
      My life as a female flight coordinator
      Many of the areas where Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) works are barely accessible by road. The rainy season can bring treac...
      South Africa: Music – medicine a doctor can't prescribe
      South Africa
      South Africa: Music – medicine a doctor can't prescribe
      In Durban, South Africa, following devastating floods in April 2022, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)'mental health team has b...
      Natural disasters
      Mental health
      From tech start-ups to conflict zones: My journey to becoming an Doctors Without Borders project coordinator
      From tech start-ups to conflict zones: My journey to becoming an Doctors Without Borders project coordinator
      Sarah was project coordinator at Doctors Without Borders’s Boost Hospital in the city of Lashkar Gar, Afghanistan. Here she shares her story.
      War and conflict
      Pakistan floods: Shahid's Story
      Pakistan floods: Shahid's Story
      Shahid Abdullah is an emergency field coordinator with Doctors Without Borders /Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Balochistan, Pakistan. He describes ...
      Natural disasters
      Emergency response
      Why rapid treatment is essential after a snakebite: a story from South Sudan
      Why rapid treatment is essential after a snakebite: a story from South Sudan
      On International Snakebite Awareness Day (September 19th), we hear from Dr Mark McNicol, recently returned from Doctors Without Borders / Médecins San...
      Pakistan: Responding to the emergency at home
      Pakistan: Responding to the emergency at home
      Akeela, an Outreach Counsellor with Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) since 2020, lived in the village of Mir Gul Hassan Manju ...
      Natural disasters
      Emergency response
      What is statelessness?
      What is statelessness?
      People like the Rohingya are considered “stateless” under international law. But what does the term actually mean? Doctors Without Borders / Médeci...
      Rohingya refugee crisis
      Opinion: Who will champion the Rohingya? Draconian refugee policies must end now
      Opinion: Who will champion the Rohingya? Draconian refugee policies must end now
      I have spent nearly 30 years exposed to emergencies and humanitarian crises. Yet, standing at our ‘hospital on the hill’ in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, n...
      Rohingya refugee crisis
      Rohingya: 5 years, 5 stories
      Rohingya: 5 years, 5 stories
      Doctors Without Borders / ­Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) spoke with five Rohingya people living in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, to under...
      Rohingya refugee crisis