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    A small ongoing contribution will have a huge impact for people in need.

    You can make a big impact for people in need of medical assistance by joining us today with a monthly donation.

    Your monthly contribution allows us to send our expert medical teams to provide vital care to people affected by medical emergencies, plan our ongoing medical response and be ready to mobilize our teams when an emergency strikes.

    We accept a range of currencies including MYR, THB, USD and more.

    Make An Impact

    Join our worldwide community of supporters with a monthly donation today. 

    Make a donation today

    By joining us with a regular monthly donation, you will ensure that our medical staff are there for patients in the aftermath of conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and other medical emergencies. 

    Hear from our supporters

    We asked our donors why they support Doctors Without Borders, and this is what they told us.

    I want victims of war to receive whatever medical aid is possible. I’ve been a doctor for almost fifty years and I have seen patients’ suffering.
    Muhammad, from Malaysia
    Your life-saving medical treatment not only gives relief and respite but hope to those in need.
    Leo, from the Philippines
    I trust your organization will use the money to help people in need.
    Tarathep, from Thailand
    I may not be able to help and support the cause by giving my services as a doctor so I decided to give my support by giving a donation.
    Vania, from the Philippines

    Why choose a monthly donation?

    Our teams provide medical assistance where the need is greatest. They are neutral and impartial and treat patients without discrimination.

    The ongoing support of our regular donors is vital to ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of our medical projects throughout the world in countries like Yemen, Afghanistan and South Sudan.

    The consistent support of our regular donors allow us to mobilize resources quickly and efficiently in the wake of natural disasters, epidemics and other medical emergencies, while ensuring we can plan and deliver our longer-term medical projects.

    Join us today with a monthly donation.

    Our Supporter Promise

    We are committed to high standards of accountability and communication with our donors. Doctors Without Borders provides donors with accountability through internationally and independently audited accounts. 

    We provide regular information and reports to our donors about our projects around the world. 

    10 reasons why your support makes a difference

    Right now, people caught in crisis, families living in overcrowded refugee camps, and people who lack access to essential health care have never needed us more. Here are 10 reasons why your support makes such an extraordinary difference.

    1. You help us save millions of lives.

    Every day, for more than 50 years, our medical teams have saved the lives of those caught in crises such as conflict zones and natural disasters. We were awarded the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize for our lifesaving work that continues today. In 2020 alone, you made it possible for us to provide medical treatment to more than 9 million people.

    2. The people we help need us—and you—to end this pandemic.

    COVID-19 has spread around the world and is affecting vulnerable people in places with already fragile health care systems. Variants continue to emerge, and the vaccine is still not widely available in most of the places we work. With your help, we can continue to provide lifesaving care wherever we’re needed most, while also advocating for vaccine equity.

    3. You can trust your investment.

    Dollar for dollar, the impact you make by supporting MSF is incredible. We are committed to using your gift efficiently, and we direct as much as we possibly can toward our lifesaving programs. Please consider making a monthly gift right now.

    4. We will not be silenced.

    One of the core principles that sets us apart is our commitment to bearing witness. If our medical teams observe needless suffering, we speak out.

    5. We are fiercely independent.

    Organizations that rely on government or institutional funding often face limits on whom and how they can help. Your support ensures that we remain independent and can reach more people, more quickly, to save more lives.

    6. More than a charity, Doctors Without Borders is a movement.

    We believe every person on earth deserves access to health care. Our team consists of more than 41,000 doctors, nurses, and other professionals in more than 70 countries. Make a monthly gift right now to help bring quality care to those who need it most, no matter where they are.

    7. Your gift will support lifesaving innovations.

    In place of complex equipment in some projects, we use a smartphone camera attachment that can diagnose deadly diseases through a simple examination of a patient’s retina. We also use a crowdsourcing phone app to help map vulnerable communities in remote regions. If it can help us save more lives quickly, we'll do whatever it takes.

    8. We’re often the first to respond.

    More than 90 percent of our doctors, nurses, and logisticians work in their home countries, so when disaster strikes, we’re able to act right away.

    9. We respond to the overlooked emergencies.

    We use the best available information to make our own independent evaluations of where our help is needed most. Constant communication with our staff on the ground ensures that we can address and prevent crises quickly—often before they ever become headlines.

    10. We’re strengthening the quality of emergency medical care.

    From creating a vaccine stockpile to ensure people have access to Ebola vaccines to revolutionizing HIV/AIDS treatment, we’re taking bold new approaches.

    Doctors Without Borders is unlike any other organization. And we rely on supporters like you to keep us that way. When you make a donation to us, you can rest assured we are saving lives together.

    Join us today.

    We can't do it alone. Join us today.

    Our work is made possible by the generous support of a community of individual supporters throughout the world. People just like you. 

    The combined monthly contributions from this worldwide community ensures that our teams can provide medical treatment to people when they need it most.