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    Treating malnutrition in Afghanistan
    Treating malnutrition in Afghanistan
    • Despite over two decades of international aid and investment, Afghans still struggle to access basic and emergency healthcare due to distance, cost...
    Child health
    Afghanistan: Critical gaps in paediatric and neonatal care in the northern provinces
    Afghanistan: Critical gaps in paediatric and neonatal care in the northern provinces
    For more than two decades, Afghanistan's healthcare system has faced longstanding issues of understaffing, underfunding, and inadequate response to po...
    Maternal health
    Child health
    Afghanistan: Doctors Without Borders is responding to earthquakes in Herat
    Afghanistan: Doctors Without Borders is responding to earthquakes in Herat
    At 11:10 am local time on Saturday, October 7, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan, followed by three subsequent aftershocks. As of ...
    Natural disasters
    Emergency response
    Afghanistan: “It is difficult to know that we are something less”
    Afghanistan: “It is difficult to know that we are something less”
    The future of female patients and health workers in Afghanistan is being threatened by the recent decree issued by the Ministry of Economy prohibiting...
    Afghanistan: Doctors Without Borders condemns the ban on women working for NGOs and their erasure from public life
    Afghanistan: Doctors Without Borders condemns the ban on women working for NGOs and their erasure from public life
    After months of continuous restrictions placed on the female population of Afghanistan, limitations placed on their participation in everyday life, ac...
    Afghanistan: The Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kandahar provides hope for people with TB
    Afghanistan: The Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kandahar provides hope for people with TB
    Jawahira was referred to the Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) tuberculosis (TB) hospital in Kandahar earlier this year from a ...
    Tuberculosis (TB)
    Afghanistan: Measles poses deadly risk for malnourished children
    Afghanistan: Measles poses deadly risk for malnourished children
    Zainab didn’t sleep well last night. The lights and the incessant beeping of the machines in the intensive care unit would keep anyone awake. But main...
    Afghanistan: 'My gut feeling told me that ‘something is terribly wrong’
    Afghanistan: 'My gut feeling told me that ‘something is terribly wrong’
    Every year, thousands of Afghan women lose their lives during childbirth, and now even more women in the country are without health care. But at the h...
    Maternal health
    Women’s health
    Afghanistan: Expanding access to urgently needed maternal health care
    Afghanistan: Expanding access to urgently needed maternal health care
    Against the backdrop of political and economic crisis and a health care system on the brink of collapse, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Front...
    Maternal health
    Women’s health