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     Trapped in fear: Syrian refugees face unbearable choices in Lebanon
    Trapped in fear: Syrian refugees face unbearable choices in Lebanon
    Syrian refugees seeking healthcare in Lebanon are facing increasing impediments accessing vital medical services due to growing fears and restricti...
    War and conflict
    Lebanon: Syrians in the country struggle to access healthcare amid fear of deportations
    Lebanon: Syrians in the country struggle to access healthcare amid fear of deportations
    Syrian refugees in Lebanon are finding it increasingly difficult to access vital medical services due to reports of forced deportation and restriction...
    Lebanon: Lack of safe water and sanitation threatens the ability to contain the spread of cholera
    Lebanon: Lack of safe water and sanitation threatens the ability to contain the spread of cholera
    The first cholera outbreak in nearly three decades in Lebanon, is unfolding on top of the ongoing economic and fuel crisis that has further exacerbate...
    North Lebanon: Doctors Without Borders Starts COVID-19 Vaccination in Remote Areas
    North Lebanon: Doctors Without Borders Starts COVID-19 Vaccination in Remote Areas
    Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is contributing to Lebanon’s vaccination efforts in the remote areas of Wadi Khaled, and Khat...
    COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease)
    COVID-19 vaccines
    Healthcare System in Lebanon Disintegrates
    Healthcare System in Lebanon Disintegrates
    Dwindling supplies of fuel and medicine mean that Lebanon’s healthcare system is rapidly disintegrating as the country – which has been without a gove...
    Access to medicines
    One year after the Beirut blast, the situation in Lebanon has got much worse
    One year after the Beirut blast, the situation in Lebanon has got much worse
    Lebanon has been in a state of emergency since late-2019, rocked by economic crisis, political instability and social tensions, and hit hard by the CO...