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      Mental health in Yemen: “The number of severe cases is astonishingly high”
      Mental health in Yemen: “The number of severe cases is astonishingly high”
      Now in its seventh year, the crisis in Yemen is no longer headline news. But the conflict continues to have a devastating impact on people’s wellbeing...
      Mental health
      War and conflict
      Press Release: COVID-19 shows need to boost production of medical diagnostic tools in Asia
      Press Release: COVID-19 shows need to boost production of medical diagnostic tools in Asia
      The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that it is urgent time for a more diverse medical diagnostics market in Asia with sustainable local production to meet...
      Access to medicines
      The climate crisis is a health and humanitarian crisis
      The climate crisis is a health and humanitarian crisis
      Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has long responded to some of the world’s worst medical and humanitarian crises. Many of the ...
      Climate emergency
      Search and rescue: “They describe Libya as hell”
      Search and rescue: “They describe Libya as hell”
      Many of the unaccompanied minors rescued by Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) search and rescue vesselGeo Barentsfrom the Medit...
      Search and Rescue
      Opinion: Our medics treat everyone, don’t punish them for that
      Opinion: Our medics treat everyone, don’t punish them for that
      It has been 20 years since the start of the so called War on Terror. Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) frontline staff have seen ...
      War and conflict
      DRC: Doctors Without Borders condemns an attack against one of its vehicles and suspends its activities in Bambu, Ituri
      DR Congo
      DRC: Doctors Without Borders condemns an attack against one of its vehicles and suspends its activities in Bambu, Ituri
      On October 28, 2021, a team of five people from Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), travelled to the Bambu health district in It...
      War and conflict
      Central Mediterranean: almost 400 people rescued in less than two days
      Central Mediterranean: almost 400 people rescued in less than two days
      The team on board the Geo Barents have conducted five rescues in less than two days in extremely challenging conditions. Many among the survivors are ...
      Search and Rescue
      Doctors Without Borders warns of health and humanitarian impacts of climate change  in new 2021 Lancet Countdown Report
      Doctors Without Borders warns of health and humanitarian impacts of climate change in new 2021 Lancet Countdown Report
      Doctors Without Borders / MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF) is paying close attention to the impact climate change will have on patients and our emergency...
      Climate emergency
      TB-PRACTECAL: Doctors Without Borders clinical trial finds short, effective and safe drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment
      TB-PRACTECAL: Doctors Without Borders clinical trial finds short, effective and safe drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment
      New results show a much shorter treatment regimen for drug-resistant TB is superior to current care
      Tuberculosis (TB)
      Infectious diseases