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      Doctors Without Borders joins noma survivors in celebrating inclusion in WHO neglected tropical diseases list
      Doctors Without Borders joins noma survivors in celebrating inclusion in WHO neglected tropical diseases list
      Amsterdam– Three years into its campaign to have noma recognised as a neglected tropical disease (NTD), international medical organisation Médecins Sa...
      Neglected diseases
      Afghanistan: Critical gaps in paediatric and neonatal care in the northern provinces
      Afghanistan: Critical gaps in paediatric and neonatal care in the northern provinces
      For more than two decades, Afghanistan's healthcare system has faced longstanding issues of understaffing, underfunding, and inadequate response to po...
      Maternal health
      Child health
      Syria: 11 years of war through a Syrian Doctors Without Borders Hospital
      Syria: 11 years of war through a Syrian Doctors Without Borders Hospital
      In 2012, a year after war broke out in Syria, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) opened a burn care unit in Atmeh, in northweste...
      Surgery and trauma care
      War and conflict
      Indonesia: Doctors Without Borders Contributes to Emergency Preparedness and Response through the E-Hub Initiative
      Indonesia: Doctors Without Borders Contributes to Emergency Preparedness and Response through the E-Hub Initiative
      Doctors Without Borders /Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)is proud to present the achievements of the first year of implementation of the E-Hub Project (...
      Emergency response
      Jenin: Staggering increase in Israeli attacks against civilians and healthcare
      Jenin: Staggering increase in Israeli attacks against civilians and healthcare
      In the past months, there has been a shocking increase in Israeli attacks against civilians and healthcare in Jenin, the West Bank.
      War and conflict
      Doctors Without Borders Calls Attention to the Ongoing Rohingya Crisis
      Doctors Without Borders Calls Attention to the Ongoing Rohingya Crisis
      Today, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders launched a short animation film, "Lost at Sea", that illustrates the harsh reality Rohin...
      Rohingya refugee crisis
      Mali: People at serious risk as violence escalates
      Mali: People at serious risk as violence escalates
      Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) is concerned about the intensification of violence in central and northern Mali.
      War and conflict
      Doctors Without Borders at COP28: Speech on champions leading the way on climate and health
      Doctors Without Borders at COP28: Speech on champions leading the way on climate and health
      Dr Christos Christou International President of Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)speaks on the COP28 panel, 'Champions leading ...
      Climate emergency
      Myanmar: Raising awareness on sexual violence and healthcare access through digital health promotion
      Myanmar: Raising awareness on sexual violence and healthcare access through digital health promotion
      Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) inMyanmar are using digital tools to raise awareness on sexual and intimate partner violence ...
      Sexual violence
      Health promotion