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    Myanmar: Doctors Without Borders teams face major obstacles providing medical care to communities in Rakhine state
    Myanmar: Doctors Without Borders teams face major obstacles providing medical care to communities in Rakhine state
    This June 2024, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was forced to indefinitely suspend its medical humanitarian activities in nor...
    War and conflict
    Access to medicines
    Myanmar: Doctors Without Borders suspends its medical activities in northern Rakhine State
    Myanmar: Doctors Without Borders suspends its medical activities in northern Rakhine State
    The extreme escalation of conflict, indiscriminate violence, and severe restrictions on humanitarian access in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar, have f...
    War and conflict
    Access to medicines
    Bangladesh: Lack of hepatitis C care amid alarming prevalence rates in Rohingya refugee camps
    Bangladesh: Lack of hepatitis C care amid alarming prevalence rates in Rohingya refugee camps
    A study carried out by Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) indicates that almost 20 per cent of the Rohingya refugees tested i...
    Hepatitis C
    Access to medicines
    Rohingya refugee crisis
    Transparency milestone: Doctors Without Borders reveals cost of its landmark TB clinical trial
    Transparency milestone: Doctors Without Borders reveals cost of its landmark TB clinical trial
    Doctors Without Borders urges public and non-profit actors to publish clinical trial costs to improve access to medical products for all.
    Access to medicines
    Tuberculosis (TB)
    Infectious diseases
    Tuberculosis: Doctors Without Borders launches unprecedented project to tackle underdiagnosis among children
    Tuberculosis: Doctors Without Borders launches unprecedented project to tackle underdiagnosis among children
    Tuberculosis (TB) in children is a silent scourge: one child dies of tuberculosis every three minutes and more than half of all children with TB are n...
    Tuberculosis (TB)
    Access to medicines
    Myanmar: 20 years of assistance to people living with HIV
    Myanmar: 20 years of assistance to people living with HIV
    By the end of 2023, people living with HIV in the care of Doctors Without Borders in Dawei will have transferred to the National Aids Programme, where...
    Access to medicines
    West Bank: Palestinians in Hebron live in constant fear as violence surges
    West Bank: Palestinians in Hebron live in constant fear as violence surges
    “The situation has been bad for years here. Israeli soldiers search our houses day and night, vandalise and arrest people without any warning,” says A...
    War and conflict
    Mental health
    Access to medicines