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    Help us stop the profiteering on medical tests

    Sign the petition to demand drug manufacturers Cepheid and Danaher drop the price of GeneXpert tests for low- and middle-income countries.

    To the CEO of Danaher, Rainer Blair, and President of Cepheid, Vitor Rocha:

    We call on you to drop the price of your GeneXpert medical tests supplied to low- and middle-income countries to $5 each for all diseases—so that millions more people around the world can be properly diagnosed and receive the treatment they need to stay alive and healthy.

    It's time for 5! Sign the petition today 👇

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    The 'Time for $5' coalition is coordinated by MSF Access Campaign and Treatment Action Group (TAG), together with more than 150 civil society organizations working to improve access to GeneXpert instruments and tests.

    Since 2019, we have been calling on Cepheid and Danaher to lower the price of Xpert tests to $5 per test for all diseases. Learn more about the Time for $5 campaign here.