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    A Doctors Without Borders nurse aide performs the MUAC measurement test on a child during a screening in a Doctors Without Borders mobile clinic at the Riverside transit site in Renk town, Upper Nile State. South Sudan, June 2023. © Nasir Ghafoor/MSF

    Activity Report 2023

    Find out more on facts and figures of our activities around the world in 2023.

    International Activity Report 2023

    In 2023, as the world was once again shaken by devastating natural disasters and brutal wars, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) worked to support people in need of medical care and basic services.

    Alongside our regular activities, we launched emergency responses to powerful earthquakes in Türkiye, Syria, Morocco, and Afghanistan. We also assisted communities caught up in wars in Sudan and Palestine, and other conflicts around the world.

    Cover of MSF International Activity Report 2023

    Find out more on facts and figures of our activities around the world in 2023.

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