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    Treating malnutrition in Afghanistan
    Treating malnutrition in Afghanistan
    • Despite over two decades of international aid and investment, Afghans still struggle to access basic and emergency healthcare due to distance, cost...
    Child health
    Afghanistan: Critical gaps in paediatric and neonatal care in the northern provinces
    Afghanistan: Critical gaps in paediatric and neonatal care in the northern provinces
    For more than two decades, Afghanistan's healthcare system has faced longstanding issues of understaffing, underfunding, and inadequate response to po...
    Maternal health
    Child health
    Afghanistan: Malnutrition soars in Herat as healthcare is at breaking point
    Afghanistan: Malnutrition soars in Herat as healthcare is at breaking point
    The Afghan healthcare system has been fragile and plagued by major gaps for years now, and the suspension of international aid as a result of the rece...
    Child health