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    Sudan: War is exacerbating humanitarian needs in neighbouring South Sudan
    Sudan: War is exacerbating humanitarian needs in neighbouring South Sudan
    South Sudan is one of the most affected countries by the war in Sudan with almost 680,000 people crossing over last year. However, despite the magn...
    War and conflict
    South Sudan: How malnutrition is dangerously feeding the TB/HIV pandemic
    South Sudan
    South Sudan: How malnutrition is dangerously feeding the TB/HIV pandemic
    In South Sudan, over seven million people are expected to face acute food insecurity or worse between now and July. Among them, patients who are...
    Tuberculosis (TB)
    Tuberculosis: Doctors Without Borders launches unprecedented project to tackle underdiagnosis among children
    Tuberculosis: Doctors Without Borders launches unprecedented project to tackle underdiagnosis among children
    Tuberculosis (TB) in children is a silent scourge: one child dies of tuberculosis every three minutes and more than half of all children with TB are n...
    Tuberculosis (TB)
    Access to medicines