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    Women in Leadership : Dare to Take a Step

    Join us and hear how three passionate women leaders, richly diverse in their achievements and fields of endeavor, overcame stereotypical barriers and navigated multiple boundaries, excelled in their professions, inspired other women and contributed to their organisations and communities. The event creates an avenue for participants to reflect on their experiences, to unlock their innate strengths and draw inspiration for the journey ahead. Whether a student, manager, senior executive, or entrepreneur we have prepared a seat for you.

    • Date | 26 March, Saturday
    • Time | 10:00 - 11:30am (Jakarta Time)
    • Platform | Zoom
    • Language | Bahasa Indonesia

    Register Here

    We celebrate International Women's day

    Women’s leadership globally, in Doctors Without Borders, and in the contexts within which we work, is sometimes unrecognized. To mark International Women’s Day 2022, we are highlighting women working in and alongside Doctors Without Borders, and the individual strength and leadership they display as they contribute to high quality, patient-centred care in our projects. This webinar will involve speakers and other contributors from a cross section of society to talk about their personal journeys in overcoming adversity.

    The event creates an avenue for participants to reflect on their experiences, to unlock their innate strengths and draw inspiration for the journey ahead.  Whether a student, manager, senior executive, or entrepreneur we have prepared a seat for you.

    Register now and join us for this conversation.


    Speakers ID

    Novita Rumngangun, Director, Chief Marketing Officer Manulife Indonesia.

    Mrs. Nona had more than 19 years of experience in insurance industry.

    In 2017, she received an honor on The World CSR Day for listed as 100 Most Impactful CSR Leaders.

    Zelda Lupsita, Program Manager, Indonesian Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE)

    Mrs. Zelda obtained her Master of Science (MS) in Human Capital Management from Bellevue University, Nebraska in 2011 as well as CHRP from - Event speaker/spokesperson

    Unika Atmajaya in 2017. She has more than 10 years of work experience in the field of Consulting and Human Resources. As a consultant, she had worked with government institutions and state-owned companies in the area of strategic management and organization development. She joined IBCWE as Program Manager to support IBCWE’s member companies promoting workplace gender equality.

    Prassalli, Digital Creator, Podcaster - Moderator of the discussion

     Prass has more than 10 years experiences in hosting a radio show and event. Now he leads and direct a start-up digital media & production house company as a creative director.

    Prass will be the moderator of this event.

    Dr. Rangi Wirantika, Doctor, Doctors Without Borders Field Worker

    Dr. Rangi had joined Doctors Without Borders since 2015 as a field worker. She has been deployed in several missions in Pakistan, Yaman, Bangladesh, South Sudan, Sierra Leone & Afghanistan.

    She is a general medical doctor.

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