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    “Everything is missing, even the idea of a future.”
    “Everything is missing, even the idea of a future.”
    Healing psychological trauma in Gaza cannot happen until there is a ceasefire.
    War and conflict
    Mental health
    In Jenin and Tulkarem, Israeli forces render healthcare inaccessible when it is needed the most
    In Jenin and Tulkarem, Israeli forces render healthcare inaccessible when it is needed the most
    Military incursions by Israeli forces in the West Bank are increasing in violence and frequency since the beginning of the war in Gaza in October 2023...
    War and conflict
    Gaza: “We did not have time to bury them”
    Gaza: “We did not have time to bury them”
    On the morning of Saturday 8 June 2024, Israeli forces heavily bombed the Middle Area of the Gaza Strip, including Al-Nuseirat refugee camp. These dea...
    War and conflict
    The Healing Hands of Sudan: A Sudanese Doctor's Account
    The Healing Hands of Sudan: A Sudanese Doctor's Account
    “As a doctor, I am here to save lives, yet I am constantly haunted by the question of how to fulfill this duty in the absence of sufficient resources ...
    War and conflict
    Sudan: Women’s Voices from Aboutengue and Metche Camps
    Sudan: Women’s Voices from Aboutengue and Metche Camps
    Since the war started in Sudan in 2023, more than 550,00 Sudanese have fled to eastern Chad. People have fled violent ethnic attacks, brutal violence ...
    War and conflict
    US plan for temporary pier in Gaza a 'glaring distraction'
    US plan for temporary pier in Gaza a 'glaring distraction'
    The US should insist on immediate humanitarian access using existing roads and entry points.
    War and conflict
    Myanmar: Community Health Workers struggle to respond amid severe restrictions in Rakhine state
    Myanmar: Community Health Workers struggle to respond amid severe restrictions in Rakhine state
    A new wave of fighting has gripped Myanmar over the past two months. Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is providing medical hum...
    War and conflict