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South Sudan: Flooding puts lives in jeopardy
South Sudan
South Sudan: Flooding puts lives in jeopardy
Heavy rains have caused widespread flooding in South Sudan this year, affecting more than 400,000 people so far, according to United Nations estimates...
South Sudan: Two deaths from hepatitis E as result of deplorable sanitation condition in Bentiu IDP camp
South Sudan
South Sudan: Two deaths from hepatitis E as result of deplorable sanitation condition in Bentiu IDP camp
An alarming jump in the number of patients with hepatitis E and acute watery diarrhoea has been seen in the camp for internal displaced persons (IDP) ...
MSF addresses health needs of people in remote Maruwa, South Sudan
South Sudan
MSF addresses health needs of people in remote Maruwa, South Sudan
MSF has opened a new project in the east of South Sudan’s in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA)– a vast area near the border with Ethiopia, ...
South Sudan: A new initiative to prevent malaria during the rainy season
South Sudan
South Sudan: A new initiative to prevent malaria during the rainy season
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is a public health intervention that can reduce the incidence of malaria among young children during the rainy ...